6 step wire-drawing machine
The machine is designed to meet the needs of wire drawing.
Its function is to progressively reduce the section of wires of noble materials (gold , silver, etc.)
by passing them in the threading die. The drawn wire is wound onto a reel equipped with adjustable clutch
which makes it possible to prevent the wire from tearing or from being too slow.
The machining area is fully protected by safety switches and is lubrificated by means of emulsified oil.
Lenght. 1300 mm.
Width: 800 mm.
Height: 1200 mm.
Weight: 350 Kg.
Aspirated bench
This bench is designed and developed for working stations that
produce dust (grinding with flexible pipe)
The bench is equipped with transparent hoods with aspirator where hands,
flexible pipe and work pieces can be put into so that the rest of
the body remains outside (the transparent hood is a physical separation
between the working station and the respiratory system of the operator )Features:
N. Of working stations : 2 or 4
Lighting with watertight ceiling: on request -
Belt Grinder Machine
Machine designed for some particular stages of jewellery workmanship suitable for grinding pieces
that require light flat filing.
The machine comes with a basin for the total recovery of metal powders.
Features :
Width: 370 mm.
Length: 430 mm.
Height : 370 mm.
Weight: 40 kg.
Bench winder Machine
The basic winder is a machine through which it is possible to wind both full metal wires and tubes in round or
oval shape, through the use of various equipement.
The machine is constructed to be placed on a support bench, it is made up of a mettallic support frame on which
the spindle, the slide and the profiled pins support system are installed .
Features :
Length : 800 mm.
Width: 650 mm.
Height: 600 mm.
Weight: 80 Kg.
Working speed from 0 to 35 rpm
Brushing machine for plates and chains
The machine allows the semi-automatic polishing of plates or chains .
The plate is inserted on the relevant guide and passed between overlapping brushes ,
followed by driving rolles which have the ability to change the speed to allow for more or less intense polishing.
The brushing machine can be fitted with an automatic winding machine and a suction with HEPA filter and filtering sleeves.
Features af the machine alone:
Lenght : 150 mm.
Width: 100 mm.
Height: 140 mm.
Weight. 200 Kg.
Brushing machine in column
The main feature of the machine is that it offers ample processing space to facilitate polishing objects of
considerable size. It too is make up of a suction system to reduce the loss of metal.
It is equipped with an inverter for speed adjustment.