6 step wire-drawing machine
The machine is designed to meet the needs of wire drawing.
Its function is to progressively reduce the section of wires of noble materials (gold , silver, etc.)
by passing them in the threading die. The drawn wire is wound onto a reel equipped with adjustable clutch
which makes it possible to prevent the wire from tearing or from being too slow.
The machining area is fully protected by safety switches and is lubrificated by means of emulsified oil.
Lenght. 1300 mm.
Width: 800 mm.
Height: 1200 mm.
Weight: 350 Kg.
Belt Grinder Machine
Machine designed for some particular stages of jewellery workmanship suitable for grinding pieces
that require light flat filing.
The machine comes with a basin for the total recovery of metal powders.
Features :
Width: 370 mm.
Length: 430 mm.
Height : 370 mm.
Weight: 40 kg.